Grace for the Journey

Rest a While - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Scott Schul
July 21, 2024

The Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter seasons take us directly into the drama of Jesus’s birth and death.  Those stories are foundational for us, because in Christ’s miraculous birth and salvific death, we have the assurance of forgiveness, and the peace of ...


"Now What?" - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
July 14, 2024

Today I’d like everyone to be seated as we hear the gospel, because I would like everyone to immerse themselves in this gospel and imagine you are there because questions will arise- “Now what?” “Where’s the good news?” The Gospel Text: Mar...


Sand - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Scott Schul
July 07, 2024

Two Sundays ago I spoke with you about how when we’re suffering trials and tribulations, it can feel like we’re in a boat in a stormy sea, alone, in danger, and forgotten by everyone, even our Lord.  And based on a story in Mark’s Gospel about a storm l...


The Whole Truth - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
June 30, 2024

“How are you?” This simple question gets asked a lot in the course of our travels each week. When I was little, I remember someone asking my Pop how he was and he then proceeded to regale them with a laundry list of his physical ailments, medications and how his ca...


Hope in the Storm - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Scott Schul
June 23, 2024

Memories can be funny things.  Some, even those that are quite recent, can be fleeting, like what you had to eat a week ago Thursday.  But others become firmly imprinted on our minds, hearts, and souls, like scenes in a movie, no matter how long ago they happened.&nb...


Love Urges Us On - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
June 16, 2024

When our daughter and son in law moved overseas to Finland for Alex to pursue her master’s degree, Landry’s family in Texas thought that was just about the wildest thing they could ever imagine. Not only were they not moving to Texas which was a sore spot, but jump...


Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? - Third Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Scott Schul
June 09, 2024

Friends, the validity, truthfulness, and relevance of Christianity and its claims of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life depend upon one person, Jesus of Nazareth.  He claimed to be more than just Mary’s son.  He said he was God’s son.  The Bib...


Stretch Out Your Hand - Second Sunday after Pentecost

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
June 02, 2024

Have you ever noticed that Jesus walked a lot? Through the countryside, by the Sea of Galilee, in the Temple, even on water. Walking takes time, so much so today that often when we think about going somewhere, we choose to drive. Walking gave Jesus time to see things. And thr...


The Wrong Questions - The Holy Trinity

By Pastor Scott Schul
May 26, 2024

Friends, in today’s Gospel, Nicodemus asks, “How can anyone be born after having grown old?  Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born?”  Those questions reveal Nicodemus’s misunderstanding about everything Jesus wa...


Renew the Face of the Earth - Pentecost

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
May 19, 2024

Many of you are probably expecting me to talk about fire and wind, and I say instead: “How many your deeds, O Lord! All of them you do in wisdom. The earth is full of your creatures. The sea is where creatures beyond number stir, the little, the large and the ...


Ascension - The Ascension of Our Lord

By Pastor Scott Schul
May 12, 2024

To paraphrase today’s lesson from Acts, I ask you, people of Grace: why are you looking at the paschal candle we just extinguished?  The reason of course is that for seven Sundays in a row we’ve lit that candle as a symbol of the resurrected Christ’s pr...


Stay Close - Sixth Sunday of Easter

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
May 05, 2024

Last week I had the joy of seeing writer Kate Bowler speak on the campus of United Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. If you are not familiar with her, Kate Bowler is an academic at Duke University whose career was on the rise. She was married with two lovely young children whe...


Interdependence - Fifth Sunday of Easter

By Pastor Scott Schul
April 28, 2024

Can you think of people who changed your life?  Who are the people whose presence positively impacted what you do, who you are, what you believe, or where you live?  We all have people like that, and they hold an honored place in our hearts.  Often it seems the...


Love in Truth and Action - Fourth Sunday of Easter

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick, Deacon Sarah Kretschmann
April 21, 2024

The 4th century theologian Jerome tells a story about the Apostle John, who was old and frail and unable to walk. His disciples would carry him each week into worship, where his words to them were: “Little children, love one another.” This went on week after week,...


Christ Alone - Third Sunday of Easter

By Pastor Scott Schul
April 14, 2024

There are lots of ways to get an education.  High School.  College.  Trade Schools.  Graduate programs.  But it seems like the most effective and lasting lessons we learn come from experience.  Now, I hope that last Monday, in the midst of all the...


BELIEVE - Second Sunday of Easter

By Paster Carolyn Hetrick
April 07, 2024

So I wonder, which is harder to believe- that Jesus Christ rose from the dead or that peace can be among us in this world? Awhile back, Michael and I became fans of a series called “Ted Lasso.” If you’re not familiar, Ted is an American football coach hired to ...


One Holy Place - Easter Sunday

By Pastor Scott Schul
March 31, 2024

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  This is the Good News we joyfully shout and proclaim every Easter.  But such was not the case on that very first Easter morning.  Mark’s Gospel concludes with Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of J...


Not Ours in Cringing, Yours In Communion - Maundy Thursday

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
March 28, 2024

Way back in the wilderness, in the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was given three temptations. “All this can be yours- all of these kingdoms,” Satan says. “I can give them to you.” Then on Palm Sunday we remembered that people wanted to make Jesus a k...


Location, Location, Location - Holy Wednesday

By Pastor Scott Schul
March 27, 2024

If you’ve ever bought or sold a house, you’ve heard a real estate agent say that the three most important factors are “location, location, location.”  Where your home is located has an enormous bearing on its value, because location dictates factor...


The Gift of Hopelessness - Palm Sunday

By Pastor Scott Schul
March 24, 2024

When the week began, Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem like a man ready to receive a coronation.  Instead, by Friday, he would receive only a crown of thorns. When the week began, Jesus entered Jerusalem like royalty, riding a colt – the foal of a donkey - ju...


We Belong in God's Heart - The 5th Sunday in Lent

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
March 17, 2024

One of the rituals of going away to camp is marking all your things. Back in the day, Mom sewed cute labels into all my clothes so people would know they were mine. By the time our girls went to camp, a Sharpie took care of that. We would write onto whatever it was- clothes, ...


Until Every One is Found - Lenten Wednesday Worship Week 4

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
March 13, 2024

Recently I was hiking with a couple folks at the end of a work day in Rothrock. As we’re getting ready to start, one of them asked me if I’d brought a headlamp since it would be dusk when we finished. I realized I hadn't and before I could say anything more, she r...


Do we really know Jesus? - The 4th Sunday in Lent

By Pastor Scott Schul
March 10, 2024

In this digital world of ours, I fear we’re rapidly losing our ability to form meaningful relationships with people.  We often hear that we’re all more connected now than ever before, thanks to the Internet and social media.  But those connections are so...


The Prodigal Elder - Lenten Wednesday Worship Week 3

By Pastor Scott Schul
March 06, 2024

In my view, the Parable of the Prodigal Son is the greatest of all the parables, because of the astonishing picture it paints of God.  It reveals our God as merciful, forgiving, compassionate, understanding, sympathetic, gracious, patient, and so very loving.  This i...


The End of Marketplace Faith - The 3rd Sunday in Lent

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
March 03, 2024

Imagine seeing the Welcome Center and the entrances and the upper commons here at Grace full of cages full of birds and pens of lambs and goats and calves. Imagine people standing in line waiting to get money and another line to pay. And then a line to get into worship. If you're...


Jesus Simply Must Be With You - Lenten Wednesday Worship Week 2

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
February 28, 2024

It’s not a stretch for us to cringe at the word “taxes.” It was no different in Jesus day, but in areas ruled by the Roman Empire, contracts for collecting taxes were farmed out to wealthy foreigners. The people of Palestine were occupied by the Romans, whos...


Ascend the Cross - The 2nd Sunday in Lent

By Pastor Scott Schul
February 25, 2024

“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”  That was the standard Jesus set for those who wanted to follow him.  It’s not the evangelism strategy most churches nowadays are willing to embrac...


Electricity, Memory, and Meaning - Lenten Wednesday Worship Week 1

By Pastor Scott Schul
February 21, 2024

Most of you know my father passed away on Sunday.  Over the last few days, I’ve found myself taking a long walk down memory lane, remembering lots of things Dad did and said.  As in any person’s life, some of those things he did and said were noble and ...


The Real Threat in the Wilderness - The 1st Sunday in Lent

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
February 18, 2024

I remember when my parents lived in Florida, the day the alligator stopped all play on the golf course in their development. Everything was well planned there- the sprinklers were programmed to run at just the right times, and the pesticides distributed in the right seasons to...


Regularly Scheduled Maintenance - Ash Wednesday

By Pastor Scott Schul
February 14, 2024

Today’s Gospel lesson reminds us of the importance of treasure.  When I got married in December of 1988, I received two treasures.  The most important one was of course my dear wife Linda, who remains my wife 35 years later.  The other treasure was much le...


The Door to Healing is Hospitality - The 5th Sunday after Epiphany

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
February 04, 2024

Last Sunday I was watching the livestream on the Grace app and during the Ministry Moment, Susan Buda and Spunky were wondering what Jesus has to do with us and Susan said, “Jesus wants us to be well.” And as I was in bed with COVID, that was gospel goodness right ...


A Whale of Deliverance - The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany

By Pastor Scott Schul
January 21, 2024

Let’s play a little word game.  I’m going to give you a phrase, and then you fill in the blank.  “Jonah and the…”  Whale, right?  Of course.  We all associate Jonah with that part of the story where he gets swallowed up by a...


Welcome and Wanted - The 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

By Pastor Carolyn Hetrick
January 14, 2024

Of all the moments in my life as a follower of Jesus, there is one outside of my baptism that I have come to see as perhaps the most important. I was new in town, and didn’t make friends all that easily, being skinny, awkward, not athletic and wearing glasses. But  ...


Torn and On the Loose - The Baptism of our Lord

By Pastor Scott Schul
January 07, 2024

I’ve had the blessing three times now to visit the site along the Jordan River where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. It’s a very interesting place, situated where it is, on the border between Israel and Jordan. Soldiers with automatic rifles patrol the perimeter, but...


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205 South Garner Street, State College, PA 16801
(814) 238-2478

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